Elham Anjomshoaa and Michael Delune
August 22nd, 2008

Our Stories

Ellie's story

I met Michael through my good friend Justin. Justin and I were both working at Boeing in the BCFP program. So after many lunch dates Michael started offically dating. He treated me like princess and that is how I knew that he would become my husband.

Michael Says...

It was pretty simple. My friend and then roomate Justin worked in the Boeing BCFP program with Ellie, and she once gave him a ride back from the airport from a busines trip. She walked in with him and I thought: "let's offer this cutie a beer!" She declined but I was happy to see her again at our housewarming party a couple of days later. I seduced her and the rest was history!

The engagement (by Ellie)

Michael proposed to me on June 10,2007. His proposal was amazing. He told me that his law firm gave him a free helicopter tour of Temecula wineries. So on that Sunday we both went to Long Beach airport and got on the helicopter.The ride was amazing and as we got closer to Temecula the pilot told us that he is going to turn around to show us a great restaurant that is overlooking a winery. In my head I was thinking what a nice guy to do that. As we approached the winery, I noticed from far away that there was a large (giant) sign on the grass in front of the restaurant. I just assumed is the name of the winery but as I looked closer the sign said "WILL U MARRY ME?" . I was so shocked, I did not think it was for me.. not today...when we are on a helicopter through the firm…and then he said "honey.." on the headset. I realized what was going on. I turned around and looked at him and he was just staring at me .. then he showed me the ring and I just said "yes" without waiting for him to ask me :) The helicopter landed while everyone at the restaurant stared. Cars driving by could see us and the sign and were honking at us. After that we had a private tour at the winery and sat at a small private table in the cave with flowers and candles that were arranged for us to do a private testing. The day got even better when my parents and sister surprised me. Then his parents and his brother (from San Francisco) came. I was so happy to see the entire family there. It was amazing. We all had dinner over looking the winery. I was a little sad the entire week-end that Michael left me alone Friday night and Saturday because of "work" and "family dinners," but then I realized that the had spent the whole time preparing the giant sign and arranging all of the plans. Needless to say, I forgave him. I have to say this was the best day of my life.

