Elham Anjomshoaa and Michael Delune
August 22nd, 2008

Gift Registry

While your attendance is gift enough, if you so choose, we are registered at the following stores.


Registered under: Elham Anjomshoaa and Michael Delune
Any Macy's location
Links: Macy's

Crate and Barrel

Registered under: Elham Anjomshoaa and Michael Delune
Carte and Barrel

Amazon (for European guests only please..these items can be purchased with European credit cards, and will ship directly to the USA)

Registered under: Elham Anjomshoaa and Michael Delune
on the web
Links: Amazon

1001 listes

Registered under Michael Delune and Elham Anjomshoaa. See website below, or call +32 (0)2-644-13-15